Setting HQ

A consumer-facing product connecting office providers and office seekers.

A teaser of the setting portal.Cover image of the project My GUIDE by DAAD wich shows several interface elements from the project by Brightside Studio from Berlin

The main challenges Setting was facing.

Fully managed, sublet and traditional leases - Setting covers it all, so its B2B audience comes with different needs, expectations and biases in the office rental market, not to mention the need to consolidate Setting's position and message in a rapidly changing market.

The current marketplace and its account area had to serve office seekers, tenants looking to sublet and landlords, but also integrate with Setting's sales process and align with internal systems.

The complexity of the business model made it difficult to connect all these users in an intelligent and effective way, and the Setting product team asked us for additional help and guidance to improve their overall user experience.

A teaser of the setting portal.

Implemented processes and solutions.

The UX solutions brought in by our team aim to streamline Setting's heavy operational workload by transforming manual tasks into digitally automated processes. Our timely bi-weekly check-ins helped the team to prioritise and stay on track. In addition to the hands-on design work, our experts supported the management team with UX consulting and the implementation of structured cross-functional communication.

Throughout our collaboration, we maintained open communication and created genuine accountability within the team to achieve common goals.

A superquote from Esther here, Donec Pede Justo, Fringilla Vel, Aliquet Nec, Vulputate Eget, Arcu. In Enim Justo, Rhoncus ut, Imperdiet a, Venenatis Vitae, Justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras Dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi.
Esther K. - Head of Department for Information on Studying in Germany

Next Case


We streamlined the UX for Jobsmart, delivering a scalable UI kit and facilitating continuous improvement for the European market challenges.

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